Stay tuned, more residencies to come!
Literacy Through the Arts builds students’ reading, writing and verbal expression skills through a multi-arts curriculum in theater, literature, music, visual arts and dance. Through art, K-2 students develop critical and creative thinking and a vocabulary to express ideas, stories and emotions.
Through our Artistic Residency Program, AFA’s professional artists teach music, theater, dance, visual art, poetry and film workshops to under-served children ages 4-19. AFA partners with public schools and community organizations lacking funding for arts programming. We work with the needs of our partnering organizations to provide arts programs for the length of time, age groups and artistic disciplines they request.
Artistic Residency Program and Literacy Through the Arts are made possible by the New York State Council on the Arts
with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature.
Artistic Residency Program and Literacy Through the Arts are supported, in part, by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs
in partnership with the City Council.
Artistic Residency Program and Literacy Through the Arts are made possible in part by the Genesis Inspiration Foundation.
Artistic Residency Program and Literacy Through the Arts are made possible in part by The Pierre and Tana Matisse Foundation.
Artistic Residency Program is supported in part by an award from the National Endowment for the Arts.