All sections of this application must be filled out completely.
This contact person does not necessarily need to be present for programming but will be responsible for all scheduling and administrative matters. At the time that a program is designed, you may designate someone else for this responsibility but there must always be an appointed liaison that we can contact if needed.
Use the space provided to answer these questions.
Please note that these terms must be agreed upon to proceed to signature, which is required to review your application.
Upon review of your application, a representative of Arts For All will contact you in a timely fashion with any further questions or information that may be needed. We look forward to working with organizations in need of arts programming and furthering our mission.
Arts For All accepts employees, volunteers, and program participants of all races, colors, religions, genders, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national origin, age, disability, veterans' status, or any other characteristic protected by law. Submission of this form does not constitute a contract or agreement to provide services. Arts For All reserves the right to cancel any program or programming at any time, with or without reason.
ARTS FOR ALL 1115 Broadway, 12th Floor New York, NY 10010 212-591-6108