Written by AFA Intern Mackenzie Timbrell

As a full-time college student currently in my senior year, I have found that times where I can focus on moments that include self-care are few and far between. As I’m sure many adults would agree, having a full-time job or children makes finding that time virtually impossible. During my internship with Arts For All, one of my tasks has been to create crafts for the AFA social media accounts. So far, my crafts have included pie garlands, Groundhog Day crafts, gnome pinecones, and more. Although the main audience for the crafts are children, I believe that I have probably had an equal amount of fun making them as the children do. Before this, I believe the last time I made crafts was likely in middle school.

I think that there is an expectation that as you grow up, your art should as well. If you aren’t making paintings and drawings of a certain caliber, people will not find themselves encouraged to participate in the arts. With this internship, I have rediscovered my love for crafts and the mental and emotional benefits it has for people of all ages. I would encourage everyone to start crafting or working on some activity in their free time. Whether this is with your own children, by yourself, or with friends, it is a great way to connect with your inner child.